HTML5 Event Handler Content Attributes
Below is a complete list of event handlers that are supported in HTML5.
Event Handlers for All HTML Elements & document
& window
The following table lists the event handlers supported by all HTML elements, as both event handler content attributes and event handler IDL attributes; and supported by all Document
and Window
objects, as event handler IDL attributes.
Attribute | Description |
onabort |
Invoked when an event has been aborted. For example, the browser stops fetching media data before it is completely downloaded. |
onauxclick |
auxclick event handler. |
oncancel |
cancel event handler. |
oncanplay |
Invoked when the browser/user agent can start playing media, but hasn't yet, due to buffering. In other words, if playback were to begin now, it wouldn't play right to the end (due to the current playback rate) - it would need to pause during playback in order to load the rest of the media. |
oncanplaythrough |
The browser/user agent estimates that if playback were to begin now, the media resource could be rendered at the current playback rate all the way to its end without having to stop for further buffering. |
onchange |
User has changed the object, then attempts to leave that field (i.e. clicks elsewhere). |
onclick |
Invoked when the user clicked on the object. |
onclose |
close event handler. |
oncontextmenu |
Invoked when a context menu has been triggered. |
oncuechange |
cuechange event handler. |
ondblclick |
Invoked when the user clicked twice on the object. |
ondrag |
Invoked when an element is being dragged. |
ondragend |
Invoked when an element has stopped being dragged. |
ondragenter |
Invoked when an element has been dragged to a drop target. |
ondragexit |
dragexit event handler. |
ondragleave |
Invoked when an element leaves a valid drop target. |
ondragover |
Invoked when an element is being dragged over a valid drop target. |
ondragstart |
Invoked when a drag operation has started. |
ondrop |
Invoked when an element is being dropped. |
ondurationchange |
Invoked when the length of the media is changed (i.e. the duration attribute has just been updated). |
onemptied |
Invoked when a media resource element suddenly becomes empty (for example, due to a network error). |
onended |
Invoked when the media has reached the end. |
onformdata |
formdata event handler. |
oninput |
input event handler. |
oninvalid |
invalid event handler. |
onkeydown |
Invoked when a key was pressed over an element. |
onkeypress |
Invoked when a key was pressed over an element then released. |
onkeyup |
Invoked when a key was released over an element. |
onloadeddata |
Invoked when the browser/user agent can render the media data at the current playback position for the first time. |
onloadedmetadata |
Invoked when the browser/user agent has just determined the duration and dimensions of the media resource. |
onloadstart |
Invoked when the browser/user agent has started loading the media resource. |
onmousedown |
The cursor moved over the object and mouse/pointing device was pressed down. |
onmouseenter |
mouseenter event handler. |
onmouseleave |
mouseleave event handler. |
onmousemove |
The cursor moved while hovering over an object. |
onmouseout |
The cursor moved off the object |
onmouseover |
The cursor moved over the object (i.e. user hovers the mouse over the object). |
onmouseup |
The mouse/pointing device was released after being pressed down. |
onpause |
Invoked when the media resource has been paused. |
onplay |
Invoked when the media resource starts playback. |
onplaying |
Playback has begun. |
onprogress |
The browser/user agent is fetching media data the. |
onratechange |
Invoked when the playback rate has changed (i.e. either the defaultPlaybackRate or the playbackRate has just been updated). |
onreset |
reset event handler. |
onsecuritypolicyviolation |
securitypolicyviolation event handler. |
onseeked |
Invoked when the seeking IDL attribute changed to false (i.e. the seeking attribute is no longer true) |
onseeking |
Invoked when the seeking IDL attribute changed to true and the seek operation is taking long enough that the user agent has time to fire the event. |
onselect |
Invoked when some or all of the contents of an object is selected. For example, the user selected some text within a text field. |
onslotchange |
slotchange event handler. |
onstalled |
Invoked when the browser/user agent is trying to fetch media data but the data has stalled (i.e. the data has stopped coming). |
onsubmit |
User submitted a form. |
onsuspend |
The browser/user agent is (intentionally) not currently fetching media data, but has not yet downloaded the entire media resource (i.e. it has suspended the download). |
ontimeupdate |
Invoked when the media's current playback position changed. |
ontoggle |
toggle event handler. |
onvolumechange |
Invoked when either the volume attribute or the muted attribute has changed. |
onwaiting |
The next frame of the media is not yet available (but the browser/user agent expects it to become available). |
onwebkitanimationend |
webkitanimationend event handler. |
onwebkitanimationiteration |
webkitAnimationIteration event handler. |
onwebkitanimationstart |
webkitAnimationStart event handler. |
onwebkittransitionend |
webkitTransitionEnd event handler. |
onwheel |
wheel event handler. |
The following table lists the event handlers (and their corresponding event handler event types) supported by all HTML elements other than body
and frameset
elements, as both event handler content attributes and event handler IDL attributes; supported by all Document
objects, as event handler IDL attributes; and supported by all Window
objects, as event handler IDL attributes on the Window
objects themselves, and with corresponding event handler content attributes and event handler IDL attributes exposed on all body
and frameset
elements that are owned by that Window
object's associated Document
Attribute | Description |
onblur |
User has left the focus of the element. |
onerror |
Invoked when an error occurs while the Window object is being loaded. Also handler for script error notifications. |
onfocus |
Invoked when the focus is on the element. |
onload |
The element has loaded. |
onresize |
The viewport has been resized. |
onscroll |
scroll event handler. Invoked when the element's scrollbar is being scrolled. |
The following table lists the event handlers supported by Window
objects, as event handler IDL attributes on the Window
objects themselves, and with corresponding event handler content attributes and event handler IDL attributes exposed on all body
and frameset
elements that are owned by that Window
object's associated Document
Attribute | Description |
onafterprint |
afterprint event handler |
onbeforeprint |
beforeprint event handler |
onbeforeunload |
beforeunload event handler |
onhashchange |
hashchange event handler. The hashchange event is fired when navigating to a session history entry whose URL differs from that of the previous one only in the fragment identifier. |
onlanguagechange |
languagechange event handler. |
onmessage |
message event handler. |
onmessageerror |
messageerror event handler. |
onoffline |
offline event handler. |
ononline |
online event handler. |
onpagehide |
pagehide event handler. The pagehide event is fired when traversing from a session history entry. |
onpageshow |
pageshow event handler. The pageshow event is fired when traversing to a session history entry. |
onpopstate |
popstate event handler. The popstate event is fired when navigating to a session history entry that represents a state object. |
onrejectionhandled |
rejectionhandled event handler. |
onstorage |
storage event handler. |
onunhandledrejection |
unhandledrejection event handler. |
onunload |
unload event handler. |
The following are the event handlers supported by all HTML elements, as both event handler content attributes and event handler IDL attributes; and supported by all Document
objects, as event handler IDL attributes:
Attribute | Description |
oncut |
cut event handler. |
oncopy |
copy event handler. |
onpaste |
paste event handler. |
The following event handler is supported on Document
objects as an event handler IDL attribute.
Attribute | Description |
onreadystatechange |
readystatechange event handler. |
What is an Event Handler Content Attribute?
An event handler content attribute is an attribute for a specific event handler. The name of the content attribute is the same as the name of the event handler.
Event handlers are commonly used to extend the functionality of an HTML element. By using any of the event handler content attributes below, you can tell the browser to run a specific script and when to run it. For example, by using onclick=""
, you tell the browser to run a piece of JavaScript whenever someone clicks on the element. The JavaScript needs to be inserted between the double quotes. This is typically a small piece of JavaScript that simply calls a JavaScript function that has been defined elsewhere.