Color Code Chart
The following two color code charts can be used as a reference when applying colors to an HTML document. In HTML, you can specify color using its RGB value (using either hex or RGB notation), or by its color name. The values in the color code charts below can be used within your HTML code.
Selecting a color from these charts will display a color scheme combination that includes your color as the main background color.
Go ahead... try it!
HTML Color Names
The following color code chart contains the 17 official HTML color names (based on the CSS 2.1 specification) along with their hex RGB value and their decimal RGB value.
Color Name |
Hex Code
Decimal Code
Maroon |
800000 |
128,0,0 |
Red |
FF0000 |
255,0,0 |
Orange |
FFA500 |
255,165,0 |
Yellow |
FFFF00 |
255,255,0 |
Olive |
808000 |
128,128,0 |
Green |
008000 |
0,128,0 |
Color Name |
Hex Code
Decimal Code
Purple |
800080 |
128,0,128 |
Fuchsia |
FF00FF |
255,0,255 |
Lime |
00FF00 |
0,255,0 |
Teal |
008080 |
0,128,128 |
Aqua |
00FFFF |
0,255,255 |
Blue |
0000FF |
0,0,255 |
Color Name |
Hex Code
Decimal Code
Navy |
000080 |
0,0,128 |
Black |
000000 |
0,0,0 |
Gray |
808080 |
128,128,128 |
Silver |
C0C0C0 |
192,192,192 |
White |
255,255,255 |
X11 Color Names
The colors in the following color code chart represent the official X11 color names. These colors were standardized by SVG 1.0 and most of them are distributed with the X Windows System. These colors should be recognized by most modern browsers.
Color Name |
Hex Code
Decimal Code
Reds |
IndianRed |
CD5C5C |
205,92,92 |
LightCoral |
F08080 |
240,128,128 |
Salmon |
FA8072 |
250,128,114 |
DarkSalmon |
E9967A |
233,150,122 |
LightSalmon |
FFA07A |
255,160,122 |
Crimson |
DC143C |
220,20,60 |
Red |
FF0000 |
255,0,0 |
FireBrick |
B22222 |
178,34,34 |
DarkRed |
8B0000 |
139,0,0 |
Pinks |
Pink |
255,192,203 |
LightPink |
FFB6C1 |
255,182,193 |
HotPink |
FF69B4 |
255,105,180 |
DeepPink |
FF1493 |
255,20,147 |
MediumVioletRed |
C71585 |
199,21,133 |
PaleVioletRed |
DB7093 |
219,112,147 |
Oranges |
Coral |
FF7F50 |
255,127,80 |
Tomato |
FF6347 |
255,99,71 |
OrangeRed |
FF4500 |
255,69,0 |
DarkOrange |
FF8C00 |
255,140,0 |
Orange |
FFA500 |
255,165,0 |
Yellows |
Gold |
FFD700 |
255,215,0 |
Yellow |
FFFF00 |
255,255,0 |
LightYellow |
255,255,224 |
LemonChiffon |
255,250,205 |
LightGoldenrodYellow |
250,250,210 |
PapayaWhip |
255,239,213 |
Moccasin |
FFE4B5 |
255,228,181 |
PeachPuff |
255,218,185 |
PaleGoldenrod |
238,232,170 |
Khaki |
F0E68C |
240,230,140 |
DarkKhaki |
BDB76B |
189,183,107 |
Purples |
Lavender |
E6E6FA |
230,230,250 |
Thistle |
D8BFD8 |
216,191,216 |
Plum |
221,160,221 |
Violet |
EE82EE |
238,130,238 |
Orchid |
DA70D6 |
218,112,214 |
Fuchsia |
FF00FF |
255,0,255 |
Magenta |
FF00FF |
255,0,255 |
MediumOrchid |
BA55D3 |
186,85,211 |
MediumPurple |
9370DB |
147,112,219 |
BlueViolet |
8A2BE2 |
138,43,226 |
DarkViolet |
9400D3 |
148,0,211 |
DarkOrchid |
9932CC |
153,50,204 |
DarkMagenta |
8B008B |
139,0,139 |
Purple |
800080 |
128,0,128 |
RebeccaPurple |
663399 |
102,51,153 |
Indigo |
4B0082 |
75,0,130 |
MediumSlateBlue |
7B68EE |
123,104,238 |
SlateBlue |
6A5ACD |
106,90,205 |
DarkSlateBlue |
483D8B |
72,61,139 |
Color Name |
Hex Code
Decimal Code
Greens |
GreenYellow |
173,255,47 |
Chartreuse |
7FFF00 |
127,255,0 |
LawnGreen |
7CFC00 |
124,252,0 |
Lime |
00FF00 |
0,255,0 |
LimeGreen |
32CD32 |
50,205,50 |
PaleGreen |
98FB98 |
152,251,152 |
LightGreen |
90EE90 |
144,238,144 |
MediumSpringGreen |
00FA9A |
0,250,154 |
SpringGreen |
00FF7F |
0,255,127 |
MediumSeaGreen |
3CB371 |
60,179,113 |
SeaGreen |
2E8B57 |
46,139,87 |
ForestGreen |
228B22 |
34,139,34 |
Green |
008000 |
0,128,0 |
DarkGreen |
006400 |
0,100,0 |
YellowGreen |
9ACD32 |
154,205,50 |
OliveDrab |
6B8E23 |
107,142,35 |
Olive |
808000 |
128,128,0 |
DarkOliveGreen |
556B2F |
85,107,47 |
MediumAquamarine |
66CDAA |
102,205,170 |
DarkSeaGreen |
8FBC8F |
143,188,143 |
LightSeaGreen |
20B2AA |
32,178,170 |
DarkCyan |
008B8B |
0,139,139 |
Teal |
008080 |
0,128,128 |
Blues/Cyans |
Aqua |
00FFFF |
0,255,255 |
Cyan |
00FFFF |
0,255,255 |
LightCyan |
224,255,255 |
PaleTurquoise |
175,238,238 |
Aquamarine |
7FFFD4 |
127,255,212 |
Turquoise |
40E0D0 |
64,224,208 |
MediumTurquoise |
48D1CC |
72,209,204 |
DarkTurquoise |
00CED1 |
0,206,209 |
CadetBlue |
5F9EA0 |
95,158,160 |
SteelBlue |
4682B4 |
70,130,180 |
LightSteelBlue |
B0C4DE |
176,196,222 |
PowderBlue |
B0E0E6 |
176,224,230 |
LightBlue |
ADD8E6 |
173,216,230 |
SkyBlue |
87CEEB |
135,206,235 |
LightSkyBlue |
87CEFA |
135,206,250 |
DeepSkyBlue |
00BFFF |
0,191,255 |
DodgerBlue |
1E90FF |
30,144,255 |
CornflowerBlue |
6495ED |
100,149,237 |
RoyalBlue |
4169E1 |
65,105,225 |
Blue |
0000FF |
0,0,255 |
MediumBlue |
0000CD |
0,0,205 |
DarkBlue |
00008B |
0,0,139 |
Navy |
000080 |
0,0,128 |
MidnightBlue |
191970 |
25,25,112 |
Color Name |
Hex Code
Decimal Code
Browns |
Cornsilk |
255,248,220 |
BlanchedAlmond |
255,235,205 |
Bisque |
FFE4C4 |
255,228,196 |
NavajoWhite |
255,222,173 |
Wheat |
F5DEB3 |
245,222,179 |
BurlyWood |
DEB887 |
222,184,135 |
Tan |
D2B48C |
210,180,140 |
RosyBrown |
BC8F8F |
188,143,143 |
SandyBrown |
F4A460 |
244,164,96 |
Goldenrod |
DAA520 |
218,165,32 |
DarkGoldenrod |
B8860B |
184,134,11 |
Peru |
CD853F |
205,133,63 |
Chocolate |
D2691E |
210,105,30 |
SaddleBrown |
8B4513 |
139,69,19 |
Sienna |
A0522D |
160,82,45 |
Brown |
A52A2A |
165,42,42 |
Maroon |
800000 |
128,0,0 |
Whites |
White |
255,255,255 |
Snow |
255,250,250 |
Honeydew |
F0FFF0 |
240,255,240 |
MintCream |
245,255,250 |
Azure |
240,255,255 |
AliceBlue |
F0F8FF |
240,248,255 |
GhostWhite |
F8F8FF |
248,248,255 |
WhiteSmoke |
F5F5F5 |
245,245,245 |
Seashell |
255,245,238 |
Beige |
F5F5DC |
245,245,220 |
OldLace |
FDF5E6 |
253,245,230 |
FloralWhite |
255,250,240 |
Ivory |
255,255,240 |
AntiqueWhite |
250,235,215 |
Linen |
FAF0E6 |
250,240,230 |
LavenderBlush |
FFF0F5 |
255,240,245 |
MistyRose |
FFE4E1 |
255,228,225 |
Greys |
Gainsboro |
220,220,220 |
LightGray |
D3D3D3 |
211,211,211 |
LightGrey |
D3D3D3 |
211,211,211 |
Silver |
C0C0C0 |
192,192,192 |
DarkGray |
A9A9A9 |
169,169,169 |
DarkGrey |
A9A9A9 |
169,169,169 |
Gray |
808080 |
128,128,128 |
Grey |
808080 |
128,128,128 |
DimGray |
696969 |
105,105,105 |
DimGrey |
696969 |
105,105,105 |
LightSlateGray |
778899 |
119,136,153 |
LightSlateGrey |
778899 |
119,136,153 |
SlateGray |
708090 |
112,128,144 |
SlateGrey |
708090 |
112,128,144 |
DarkSlateGray |
2F4F4F |
47,79,79 |
DarkSlateGrey |
2F4F4F |
47,79,79 |
Black |
000000 |
0,0,0 |
Using These Color Codes
To use these HTML color codes, your code needs to look like one of the following.
- If using the color name:
- If using the hexadecimal value:
- If using the decimal RGB value:
For more information about HTML color codes, check out the HTML color page. This page provides some examples of HTML color usage, and it explains the various ways you can implement the color names, hexadecimal values and RGB values.