HTML Checkbox Code

This page contains HTML checkbox code. You can copy/paste this code into your own blog or website in order to create checkboxes.

A checkbox is a form element that allows the user to select multiple options from a range of options.

Checkboxes are created with the HTML <input> tag. Checkboxes can be nested inside a <form> element or they can stand alone. They can also be associated with a form via the form attribute of the <input> tag.

Basic Checkbox Example

Here's an example of HTML checkbox code:

Source CodeResult
Apple Orange Banana

Working Example

Here, we add a submit button so that the checkboxes can become useful. We also place the checkboxes within a <form> element that specifies a page to process the form.

Source CodeResult

What would you like for lunch?

Apple Orange Banana

Checkboxes vs Radio Buttons

It's important to understand the difference between checkboxes and radio buttons. Radio buttons allow the user to select one option only. Checkboxes allow the user to select any number of options.

In the example below, try selecting more than one checkbox. You'll see that you can select as many (or as few) checkboxes as you like. This is how the checkbox element has been designed. It makes the checkbox suitable for times where the user should be able to select multiple options.

Next, try selecting more than one radio button. You'll notice that every time you select another radio button, the previous selection is de-selected. Radio buttons are designed to do this. This helps you enforce users to only select one option. There is no way for them to select multiple options (whether accidentally or intentionally).

Source CodeResult


What would you like for lunch?

Apple Orange Banana

Radio Buttons

What is your gender?

Male Female Unknown

The form Attribute

In the above example, we enclosed the checkboxes inside a form. HTML5 also allows you to specify a form using the form attribute. This method could be used in the event that the checkboxes are not inside the form that needs to submit its contents.

In the next example, add id="myForm" to the form. We then add form="myForm" to the checkboxes (via the <input> tags) and move the checkboxes outside of the form. Submitting the form should still submit the contents of the checkboxes, because they reference the id of the form in their form attributes.

Source CodeResult

What would you like for lunch?

Apple Orange Banana

Set a Default Value

You can set a default value by using the checked attribute. When this is added to a checkbox, that checkbox is selected as soon as the page loads (i.e. it doesn't need the user to select it). The user can then choose to "uncheck" that checkbox if so desired, but if they don't it will remain checked (along with any other checkboxes the user checks).

In this example, we've checked the first option.

Source CodeResult

Choose your free gift:

Apple Orange Banana

Disabling a Checkbox

You can disable a checkbox by using the disabled attribute. You could use this in conjunction with a script to enable/disable the checkbox depending on whether certain criteria has been met.

In this example, we've disabled the second option (Orange).

Source CodeResult
Apple Orange Banana

Also see radio button code for enforcing a single selection.