HTML Trademark Code

This page contains HTML code for adding the trademark symbol to your website or blog.

There are two main ways to display the trademark symbol on a webpage; use the HTML entity number, or use the HTML entity name. The trademark symbol should appear the same when rendered in the browser — regardless of whether you use the entity name or number.

HTML Entity Number

Here's how you use the HTML entity number to add the trademark symbol to a webpage.

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HTML Entity Name

Here's how you use the HTML entity name to display the trademark symbol on a webpage. You'll notice that the result is the same as when using the entity number above.

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Usage Example

Here's an example of using the trademark symbol.

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Get 1 free MyProduct™ with every 5 MyOtherProduct™ sold!

Registered Trademark

If your trademark has been registered with the relevant authorities, you can use the registered trademark symbol.

HTML Entity Number

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HTML Entity Name

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Usage Example

Here's an example of using the registered trademark symbol.

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Get 1 free MyProduct® with every 5 MyOtherProduct® sold!

Avoid Copy/Paste

It's best to avoid copying and pasting your trademark symbols from another source (for example, a Word document or PDF). This is because, even though it might appear OK in your WYSIWYG editor, it might not necessarily appear correctly when displayed within a browser. Or even worse, it might display correctly in your browser but not in your users' browsers!

For this reason, it is better to use the HTML entities on this page to display trademarks.

About HTML Entities

HTML entities are used in HTML when you need to display a special character on a web page. These are often characters or symbols that can't easily be typed into a keyboard.

Check out this list of special characters for a comprehensive list of HTML entities.